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  • Writer's pictureLanure Mcintosh

What Machine Do You Need To Compost Chicken Manure Efficiently?

The main features of organic fertilizer fermentation tank:

1. The treatment of using chicken manure for fertilizer with organic fertilizer fermentation tank consumes less energy and has low operating costs; Make full use of space and occupy a small footprint;

2. The machine to do fermentation process has a high degree of automation, and the PLC is combined with the host computer to achieve remote control;

3. The treatment process of organic fertilizer fermentation tank is completely closed, and no secondary pollution is generated;

Organic fertilizer fermentation tank equipment advantages:

1. The organic fertilizer fermentation tank adopts a vertical closed tank structure, which saves the floor space and better reduces the requirements for the area of making fertilizer from waste.

2, organic fertilizer fermentation tank tank using fully enclosed type, fermentation of waste gas after the waste gas treatment system treatment, exclude the outside of the tank, eliminate secondary pollution, how to deal with chicken waste as a fertilizer.

The organic fertilizer fermentation tank changes the defects of the traditional pond fermentation process, the footprint and the use of capital investment, and improves the production efficiency of commercial organic fertilizer production. Organic fertilizer fermentation tank centralized treatment of chicken farm manure aerobic fermentation is a kind of malodorous occurrence of less, energy saving to obtain organic fertilizer processing method. The traditional fermentation method is difficult to meet the requirements of thorough fermentation, nor does it meet the needs of energy-saving and consumption-reducing fermentation of chicken manure for fertilizer production.

Organic fertilizer fermentation tank features:

1, easy to operate, organic fertilizer fermentation tank does not need to control the water content before fermentation, you can directly send the material into the tank to start fermentation.

2. The operation mode is flexible, which can work alone or work jointly with multiple machines, so as to achieve continuous inlet and outlet materials and ensure uninterrupted and continuous production.

3, more environmentally friendly, traditional fermentation process, no deodorization system, polluting the air during the fermentation process, the vertical deodorization system of the composters for poultry houses will be discarded for harmless treatment, more environmentally friendly.

4, more space-saving, fermentation tank using three-dimensional fermentation technology, more for enterprises to save the site, can also be installed in the open air environment, saving plant construction costs.

5, the quality is better, the use of organic fertilizer fermentation equipment, the quality of the finished product fermented is easier to control, there is no problem of incomplete fermentation in the traditional fermentation process.

6, more intelligent, with the corresponding conveyor system, can achieve automatic entry and exit of materials, saving the cost of building a biofertilizer plant.

The working principle of organic fertilizer fermentation tank:

The workflow of the fermentation tank is mainly divided into three stages, heating, constant temperature and cooling.

The raw material enters the fermentation tank and can be quickly heated up to about 65 degrees in a short period of time. Air is sent to the inside of the fermentation tank through the air supply system to ensure that the raw materials are in full contact with oxygen, so that the materials can be decomposed and fermented quickly and fully. During the fermentation process, the equipment enters the constant temperature stage, continuous fermentation, and the deodorization system deodorizes and discharges the exhaust gas in the fermentation tank to achieve the purpose of pollution-free treatment. In the process of high-temperature fermentation, harmful substances such as insect eggs, weed seeds, pathogenic bacteria and other harmful substances contained in the raw materials are also killed. After the fermentation is completed, the cooling stage is entered, and the material is unloaded through the discharge port for the next process of creating fertilizer using animal waste.

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