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  • Writer's pictureLanure Mcintosh

Technology of Composted Manure Organic Fertilizer

1、 Material ratio.

Add 1 kg organic fertilizer starter to the fermentation material. The starter should be mixed with rice bran (or wheat bran, corn flour and other substitutes) in the ratio of 1:5, and then evenly spread into the fermentation material pile and mix evenly. It is better to add straw or mushroom residue to adjust the C / N ratio.

2、 Materials are piled up.

In the process of composting, it should not be too small, too short, and too small will affect the fermentation. The fermentation effect is better when the height is 1.5 m ~ 2 m, the width is 2 m, and the length is more than 2 ~ 4 M.

3、 Temperature requirements.

The start-up temperature should be above 15 ℃ (it can be operated in four seasons and not affected by seasons. Fermentation should be carried out indoors or in greenhouses in winter as far as possible)

4、 Moisture requirements.

The moisture content of fermentation materials should be controlled at 65%. Too much water leads to poor ventilation, slow temperature rise and odor.

5、 Turn over the pile for ventilation.

During the fermentation process, proper oxygen supply and composting should be paid attention to (overturn several times when the temperature rises to 75 ℃) and the temperature should be controlled at about 65 ℃. If the temperature is too high, the nutrients will be affected. If the site area is large and the environmental protection requirements are relatively low, the ground type crawler tipper can also be used for stacking operation, which can save part of the cost of fermentation tank construction. When the environmental requirements are strict, but the treatment capacity is large, the tank fermentation method is recommended.

6、 The fermentation was completed.

Generally, fermentation can be completed within a week, the material is dark brown, and the temperature begins to drop to normal temperature, indicating that the fermentation is completed. If sawdust, sawdust, rice husk and other auxiliary materials are too much, the fermentation time should be prolonged to fully mature.


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