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Blog: Blog2
  • Writer's pictureLanure Mcintosh

Technical details of organic fertilizer composting

1. The fermentation of materials should be carried out in the workshop or greenhouse, and the oxygen should be forced to be supplied by turning the pile, so as to facilitate the function of aerobic microorganisms.

2. In the process of aerobic fermentation, the aerobic microorganism decomposes the perishable organic matter first, and then absorbs the C and N nutrients of the decomposed organic matter. Part of the nutrients are used for microbial reproduction, and the rest are decomposed into CO2 and H2O.

At the same time, the heat is released to raise the temperature of the reactor. When the temperature is above 55 ℃, the high temperature microorganism such as thermophilic bacteria and actinomycetes gradually occupy the dominant position, the mesophilic microorganism is inhibited or even died, the organic matter is decomposed more quickly, and the pile temperature rises rapidly to 60 ~ 70 ℃ or higher. At this time, in addition to the decomposition of perishable organic matter, some cellulose and lignin are gradually decomposed, and humus begins to form.

3. Degradation of organic matter. The degradation of organic matter is mainly completed in the above-mentioned fermentation stage. The length of fermentation time varies with different materials and fermentation conditions. Generally, the material fermentation should be completed in a week to half a month. For the climate and temperature conditions in Shaanxi Province, fermentation can be completed in about two weeks.

4. Composting production process, pretreatment: livestock manure as the main raw material, due to its high moisture content, need to add a certain proportion of low moisture content of weathered coal, oil shale, straw, edible fungi waste base material as conditioner, and then add a certain proportion of bacteria, mix and adjust to the appropriate moisture content and C / N ratio, mix and stir evenly, stack and ferment.

5. Turning over and stirring: aeration works to make the material pile ferment; when the temperature rises to 68-70 ℃, it can effectively kill the bacteria and insect eggs in the raw materials, and evaporate a lot of water.

6. Temperature control: the temperature, moisture and permeability of the fermentation material pile are detected regularly every day. During the fermentation process, due to the role of microorganisms, the content of organic matter, moisture, temperature, C / N ratio and pH value in the pile will change, so it is necessary to detect and adjust regularly.

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