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  • Writer's pictureLanure Mcintosh

Powdery Organic Fertilizer Production Factory

In the production of powdery organic fertilizer, it mainly adsorbs the floating dust in the air. In the harmless treatment of livestock manure, aerobic fermentation is usually used. In other words, the general stack fermentation, in the fermentation need to pay attention to avoid wind and rain, reduce organic matter. Therefore, before fermentation, it is necessary to build rainproof shed and stack fermentation tank.

1. The ratio of raw materials per ton: cattle manure 500kg + pig manure 300kg + mushroom residue 200kg + strain 510g. Auxiliary materials: when the humidity of livestock manure is high, appropriate straw, rice husk and other materials with low water content can be added to reduce the moisture content of fermentation materials.

2. Strip pile: according to the above raw material ratio, the strip pile shall be carried out according to the needs. The length of the strip pile is unlimited, with a width of 2M and a height of 1m. In strip stacking, the materials should be stacked evenly layer by layer. According to the amount of fecal treatment each time, choose the appropriate width of the turning machine.

3. Adding bacteria: the proportion of bacteria and fungus residue is 1 ∶ 5. Generally, 1kg strain can ferment 10-20 tons of feces and straw. In case of a large amount of fermentation, it can be evenly mixed with double shaft horizontal mixer and spread to the surface of the pile according to the number of strips.

4. Composting and fermentation: the tank tipper is used to flip the pile. When the temperature is above 55C, turn over the pile every 1-2 days. After 10-15 days of fermentation, put away the pile.

5. Crushing: the fermented materials can not be sold directly as commodities, because long-term stacking will cause caking and other phenomena. At this time, the remaining bulk materials need to be finely broken by a fertilizer materials crusher, and the powdered organic fertilizer can be obtained after crushing.

6. Screening: in order to improve the sales, uniform and uniform powder materials can be packed. According to the above steps, the pure powder organic fertilizer is obtained after being screened by drum screen

7. Packaging: the powdery organic fertilizer can be directly put into storage and sold after being packed by automatic packing scale.

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