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  • Writer's pictureLanure Mcintosh

Planning, Design and Site Selection of Organic Fertilizer Plant

Benefits of organic fertilizer production:

Social benefits: the construction of the project is conducive to improving soil, improving soil fertility and nutrient utilization rate; making full use of local abundant organic waste resources of agriculture and animal husbandry to promote local economic development; the use of products can reduce farmers' production costs, increase crop yield, increase farmers' income, promote the industrialization of fertilizer production, and promote the development of related industries.

Ecological benefits: the organic fertilizer produced by the project contains a large number of organic matter and plant active ingredients, which can effectively improve the biological, physical and chemical properties of soil, improve the utilization rate of fertilizer, enhance the disease resistance of crops, reduce the application amount of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and help to improve the quality decline of crops and groundwater pollution caused by excessive fertilizer application Pollution, eutrophication of water body and decline of agricultural environmental carrying capacity are of great significance for environmental protection and sustainable development of agriculture.

Organic fertilizer is bulky and inconvenient to transport, so it is necessary to build an organic fertilizer plant. Organic fertilizer producing plant mainly uses various materials to process commercial organic fertilizer. The commonly used organic raw materials are chicken manure, straw and other raw materials as auxiliary materials, and different processing technologies can be designed according to different planning of raw materials. Site selection of organic fertilizer plant is very important.

The site selection of organic fertilizer plant mainly considers the following factors:

1. Organic fertilizer plants should not be too far away from farms. Chicken manure, pig manure, cow manure, duck manure and other livestock and poultry manure from the breeding plant are bulky and have high water content, which is not easy to transport. If it is too far away, the transportation cost of organic fertilizer plant is too high.

2. Not too close to the farm. It can not be in the upwind direction of the farm, otherwise it is easy to infect diseases and bring difficulties to epidemic prevention.

3. Away from the living and working areas of residents. Organic fertilizer plants will produce malodorous gas in the production, which can not be in the living and working areas of residents, nor in the forefront of living and working areas.

Process equipment selection for organic fertilizer plant planning and Design:

1. The production scale is reasonable and the site selection is ideal.

2. Pay attention to the selection of automation degree of process.

3. Improve the corrosion resistance of the equipment.

4. Scientific treatment of raw materials to improve the suitability of the equipment.

If you want to learn more about setting organic fertilizer factory, welcom to ShunXin Organic Fertilizer Machinery.

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