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  • Writer's pictureLanure Mcintosh

Important Steps Of How To Make Chicken Poop Compost

Chicken manure fertilizer cast machine used in livestock and poultry dung, sludge waste, sugar mill filter mud, such as sawdust and straw, bad slag cake fermentation of organic waste heap, widely used in organic fertilizer factory, fertilizer plant, sludge stink, king and the fermentation of agaricus bisporus planting factory and rotten and removing water homework, also can be used as a biological organic fertilizer equipment fermentation.

Chicken manure manure toss machine is suitable for making chicken dropping as ferilizer, and can be used with solar fermentation chamber, fermentation tank and moving machine. The function of one machine with multiple slots can be realized when matched with the mobile machine. The chicken dung composting machine can be discharged continuously or in batches. It has the characteristics of high efficiency, smooth operation, durable and even flipping.

Work flow of chicken manure manure toss machine

1. Put raw materials into the inlet every day;

2. Raw materials will be stirred to the outlet by the vessel equipment every day, and the travel distance is the same every day;

3. After 30 days of fermentation, fermentation materials will be mature and converted into organic fertilizer;

4. After a period of chicken dung fermentation, finished organic fertilizer can be obtained from the export end every day, and can form the recycling fermentation treatment of fertilizer.

Warm tips: adding a certain amount of organic fertilizer starter before fermentation can greatly shorten the fermentation time of raw materials, improve the fermentation efficiency, make the fermentation of chicken manure contains more organic matter, improve the utilization rate of organic fertilizer

The function of chicken manure manure toss machine in organic manure production

Fermentation chicken manure systems is commonly used in aerobic dynamic composting. As a new type of machinery, it has been in the fertilizer machinery and equipment family fast 趚 breeding, to replace the manual, forklift truck on the material pile of the hand machine, is the common product that affects the development trend of composting industry.

1. Mixing function of raw materials. In fast composting of chicken manure, to adjust the raw material carbon nitrogen ratio, ph, water content, etc., need to add some auxiliary materials. The main raw materials and auxiliary materials roughly stacked together in proportion can rely on the flip machine to do stirring work, evenly mixed, to achieve the purpose of quality control.

2. Adjust the temperature of the raw material pile. In the operation of the toss machine, the raw material particles contact and mix with air, and the material pile can contain a lot of fresh air, which is conducive to active aerobic microorganisms to produce fermentation heat, and the pile temperature rises; When the temperature is high, the addition of fresh air can bring the reactor temperature down. It forms an alternate state of medium-high temperature-medium-high temperature-high temperature, and all kinds of beneficial microorganisms grow and reproduce rapidly in their suitable temperature segment.

3, improve the permeability of raw material pile. The turning stack system can process the material into small lumps, so that the thick and dense material pile becomes fluffy and elastic, forming the appropriate porosity.

4, adjust the moisture of the raw material pile. The suitable water content of raw material fermentation is about 55%, and the standard water content of finished organic fertilizer is below 20%. In fermentation, biochemical reactions will generate new water, and the consumption of raw materials by microorganisms will also cause water to lose carrier and free out. Therefore, after the process of using a dryer for chicken waste, in addition to the evaporation formed by heat conduction, flipping machine turning raw materials will form mandatory water vapor emission.

5, to achieve the special requirements of chicken manure decomposition. Such as the crushing of raw materials, give a certain shape to the pile of raw materials or achieve quantitative displacement of raw materials.

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