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  • Writer's pictureLanure Mcintosh

How to Select the Suitable Fertilizer Package Machine?

Because of the difference in shape, fluidity, specific gravity, dust and other factors between granular materials and powdery materials, the same organic fertilizer package equipment can not pack powdery materials and granular materials at the same time. Therefore, before purchasing, it is necessary to determine what kind of materials to package and select the appropriate organic fertilizer packaging machine.

So, how to choose granule packing machine and powder packing machine?

1、 Shape of material

The granular material of organic fertilizer is formed after granulation, drying, screening and packaging, and its shape is relatively smooth. In order not to damage the integrity of particles in the lifting process, the smooth transition can be used to slowly lift.

Powder material is directly packed powder material screened by crusher, regardless of the original state of the material. If the dust is very large, the closed elevator can be used.

2、 Material flow

Because of the roundness and good fluidity of granular materials, we can measure them by self discharging. We usually change the diameter of the three-stage feeding device to change the flow rate and control the packaging speed and accuracy.

Because the fluidity of powdery materials is not very good, but it does not need to consider the original state, the spiral feeding mode and forced blanking method can be adopted to realize the material measurement. At the same time, the measurement speed and accuracy can be controlled by changing the coarse and fine spiral.

3、 Dust of materials

The proportion of particulate matter is relatively large, it is not easy to form dust in the air, and the pollution to the air and factory environment is not great, so the open weighing method can be used.

The proportion of powder materials is very light. If it is dry powder in the air, as long as there is vibration and flow, a large amount of dust will be formed. In the packaging machine, the purification of dust removal should be considered. Generally, organic fertilizer can be packaged with moisture content less than 30%, and can be connected seamlessly in the packaging, so that the dust generated in the packaging process passes through the dust removal pipeline, and the terminal uses automatic dust removal device to collect dust.

Through a comprehensive comparison, two different material forms of fertilizer, can not use the same organic fertilizer packaging machine for packaging, so in the selection, we should choose the organic fertilizer packaging machine according to their own situation.

If you want to learn more about package equipment for fertilizer, welcome to:

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