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  • Writer's pictureLanure Mcintosh

How to Make Quality Cow Manure Compost?

1. The recycled cow manure was dried to keep its moisture content below 85%, and then mixed with straw, sawdust and mushroom residue in proper proportion (feces accounted for 80-90%, others accounted for 10-20%). 1 ton of material (about 2.5 tons of fresh material) is added with 1 kg organic fertilizer fermentation agent, diluted by 1 kg organic fertilizer fermentation agent and 5 kg rice bran (or wheat bran, corn flour and other substitutes) and then evenly sprinkled into the material pile. During the fermentation process, oxygen should be supplied properly and the temperature should be controlled at 55-65 ℃.

The moisture content of fermentation materials should be controlled: the moisture content of fermented cow manure and other animal manure should be controlled at 40-65%.

Mixing process and aeration: the production of organic fertilizer by cattle manure fermentation needs good (consumption) oxygen fermentation. Therefore, in the operation process, it is necessary to increase oxygen supply measures to achieve even mixing, frequent turning and ventilation. Otherwise, it will lead to anaerobic fermentation and produce odor, which will affect the effect of fertilizer.

2. The organic fertilizer equipment used in the fermentation process includes groove composting or windrow composting. It is used for stacking on the ground and using a windrow turner.

3. Fermentation was completed in 7-12 days, and the number of times of cattle dung composting was different according to different temperatures. Generally, after 48 hours of cow dung accumulation, the temperature rises to 50-60 ℃, and the third day can reach above 65 ℃. Under this high temperature, the fermentation can be completed by turning it over once. Generally, the fermentation can be completed after two times of overturning, and the fermentation can be completed within one week. The material was dark brown, and the temperature began to drop to normal temperature, indicating that the fermentation was completed.

4. Complete fermentation and decomposition, discharge from the pool (ground type, direct collection by forklift truck).

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