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  • Writer's pictureLanure Mcintosh

How To Make NPK Fertilizer For Sale?

In recent years, with the continuous adjustment of agricultural industrial structure, the proportion of cash crops in agricultural production is more and more, so the market demand for fertilizer production is also more and more high. On the one hand, soil compaction, crop yield and quality decline due to long-term application of chlorinated compound fertilizer are becoming increasingly prominent, especially in fruit trees, tea, tobacco, fruits, vegetables and other cash crops, an urgent need for high-efficiency and low-chlorine compound fertilizer products;

Compound fertilizer processing line consists of a number of processes: raw material measurement, raw material crushing, granulation, drying, cooling, screening, coating, packaging. Each process has strict index control, one is indispensable. First of all, the technical personnel according to the market needs or customer needs combined with the raw material market to develop the corresponding fertilizer production formula, refined for raw material quantity.

How to make compound npk fertilizer? Compound fertilizer process flow diagram: make sure formula solutions --, according to the formula to determine the ratio between the nutrient elements - mix - crushed --, granulation, drying, cooling, finished product packaging.

Process design of compound fertilizer production line

1, Compound fertilizer ingredients: operating in strict accordance with the technical personnel of each raw material requirements respectively for the amount of N, P, K, additives and various materials joining in electronic belt scale, add the raw material of the raw materials for the process is not permitted in powder or granular agglomeration phenomenon, and material flow to a uniform sometimes uninterrupted operation. Otherwise, it will affect the measurement accuracy and the control of npk compound fertilizers granulation, as well as affect the product content. The measured material flows into the raw material crusher and enters the next section.

2, compound fertilizer comminution process:

According to the design requirements of the ratio of mixed fertilizer transported to the raw material crusher for raw material crushing, the purpose is to break all kinds of raw materials to a certain fineness, basically do the particle size of raw materials is less than 1 mm, conducive to the material in the extruder granulator rolling into a standard ball.

3, compound fertilizer granulation process:

Crushed raw materials into the belt conveyor, conveying to double roller granulator for granulation. The solid fertilizer powder to be granulated rises with the help of the rotation of the cylinder and rolls down under the action of gravity. At the same time, granulation is carried out according to the amount of raw materials and the proportion of adhesives added. The material is wrapped layer by layer on the surface of the granulated nucleus, thickened layer by layer and gradually granulated. Under the action of the above several forces, the material gradually forms the base core until it reaches the granulation requirements and enters the drying section.

4, compound fertilizer drying process:

Dryer adopts cylinder edge drive, flange connection, direct heat transfer method, suitable for drying compound fertilizer after granulation. The materials to be dried enter the plate drying area with special combination. Due to the tilting movement of the body and the plate, the materials are continuously taken up by the plate and fully dispersed and moved longitudially. At the same time, sufficient heat exchange is carried out with the high temperature furnace gas from the hot blast stove to evaporate water and dry the materials. Materials and flue gas need to be dried, with downstream, micro negative pressure operation.

The dryer is equipped with secondary granulation area, which can be used for secondary granulation of partially ungranulated materials, which is beneficial to improve the granulation rate of the system. In the drying process, it is necessary to monitor and adjust the temperature of the stove head and the tail of the dryer according to the process requirements by adjusting the temperature of the hot blast stove and the air volume of the tail gas fan, so that the drying materials can reach the drying index. The drying material is conveyed to section 5 by belt conveyor.

5, compound fertilizer cooling process:

Drum cooler is mainly used for cooling compound fertilizer products after drying, can directly cool the hot granular material fertilizer to close to normal temperature. The material entering the cooling machine moves forward continuously under the action of rotation and tilt of the body, while the induced draft fan leads the wind from the tail of the cooling machine to the head and meets the material countercurrent to take away the heat of the material. In the cooling process, the cold wind also takes away some of the water.

The cooled material is convenient for quick and timely packaging and prevents caking during storage. The machine adopts micro-negative pressure operation to reduce pollution and improve the working environment. It has the characteristics of reasonable structure, stable operation and strong adaptability. The cooled material is conveyed to section 6 by belt conveyor.

6, compound fertilizer screening, large particle crushing process:

Screening division is mainly on the material in the fine powder, finished products, large particle material separation. First, the fine powder in the semi-finished product is separated, and then the large particles are separated.

The separated large particles are crushed by the large particle crusher and the separated fine powder enter the return belt together, and return to the granulator for granulation. The finished product enters the seventh section.

7, compound fertilizer packaging process:

The finished products are carried to the silo of the packaging machine by the leather elevator, unloaded to the weighing scale body for automatic weighing operation according to the set weight, and the weighing material enters the sewing section through the conveyor for sewing operation into the finished product warehouse.

Npk compound fertilizer equipment are: automatic batching system, the new type of vertical mill, convertible pelleting machine, roller cooling machine, screening machine, dryer, packing scale, such as the volume of a compound fertilizer production line equipment size, production, etc all have certain difference, so the natural compound fertilizer production line equipment price difference, the higher the yield, the price will be slightly ascending.

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