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  • Writer's pictureLanure Mcintosh

How to improve the composting efficiency of livestock manure?

High temperature composting technology generally uses aerobic trough fermentation to produce compost, and uses trough tipper to ferment and turn over the compost, and the wheel tipper can be used to ferment and turn over the compost with large output. It can be fermented by stacking, crawler dumper and walking dumper. It can ensure to produce enough high temperature to kill parasites, pathogens, vegetative cells, weed seeds, etc., and try to consume the energy in the materials, such as carbohydrates, so as to avoid the adverse phenomenon of burning roots and seedlings after being applied to the soil in the future.

At the same time, high temperature can be used to consume the crude fiber in the feces and the hydrocarbons in the straw In order to remove the hydrocarbons in the straw, when the fertilizer is applied to the soil in the future, first, it will burn the roots; second, because the ratio of carbon to nitrogen of the fertilizer is too high, it will cause a large number of microorganisms to heat, at the same time, it will compete for the nitrogen source in the soil to balance the ratio of carbon to nitrogen, which will cause a bad situation of competing for fertilizer with plants, resulting in the slender and not strong plant roots; at the same time, it will use the trough type pile It can ensure the rapid fermentation and keep the farmers in a short period of time between two crops to fully complete the decomposition process of straw.

The first is to use chain plate dumper and striped track dumper which can handle livestock manure for fermentation, the second is to use aerobic manure fermentation tank for fermentation, which has short operation cycle and high treatment efficiency. The hot gas produced by fermentation in fermentation tank rises, which can preheat the upper manure, and is conducive to air flow and oxygen supply. The fermentation tank is divided into multiple layers, each layer can ferment. After the feces are put into the fermentation tank, the rotation of the flap is used to realize the transfer and turning of the feces.

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