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  • Writer's pictureLanure Mcintosh

Different Types of Fertilizers

The fertilizer can be isolated into a wide range of fertilizer,and the manure machines are intended for creating the a wide range of manure granulator by the fertilizr machine manufacturers.Well,what kinds of the fertilizer can be divided?The manure can be separated into the natural manure and the inorganic fertilizer.And the natural fertilizer and the inorganic fertilizer likewise can be divided  into some little sorts fertilizer accoring to their crude material. (Fertilizer Making Lines for Sale)

Inorganic fertilizer:The inorganic fertilizer additionally called the substance fertilizer, for example, various nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium or compound fertilizers. Fertilizers normally utilized in the planting business are ammonium cerium phosphate, urea, potassium sulphate, potassium choride, various compound manures and organic product trees can likewise utilize long-acting fertilizers, for example, stong, also known as superphosphate. The fertilizer granulator machines are intended to deliver the inorganic fertilizer can be the roller press granulator, disc granulator, rotary drum granulator thus on.In explicit to partition the inorganic fertilizer,it predominantly include:

1.Niteogen fertilizer:fertilizer with nitrogen supplement as the primary component, including ammonium bicarbonate,urea,ammonium,ammonia etc.Nitrogen manure is the principle fertilizer to advance the development of bloom roots,stems and leaves.

2.Phosphate fertilizer:fertilizer with phosphorus supplement as the primary component,including calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer.The crude materials for phosphate fertilizer are fish bone,bones and eggsells, etc.

3.Potassium fertilizer:a substance fertilizer containing potassium supplements as the principle component,the primary assortments are potassium chloride,potassium sulfate,potassium nitrate and the like.The utilization of potassium manure can expand the obstruction of blossoms to housing and forestall the vermin of pets and infections.

Natural fertilizer is barnyard manure,such as manure,decaying animal bodies or decayed plants.Organic fertilizers, for example, pig manure,chicken manure,all sorts of disintegrated litter,grass debris etc.can be utilized as natural fertilizer.Producing the natural fertilizer granulator we can ues the level pass on granulating the new kind organic fertilizer products. Sometimes the organic fertilizer fabricating measure is additionally a decent decision to deliver the natural manure.


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