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Blog: Blog2
  • Writer's pictureLanure Mcintosh

Consequences of incorrect use of organic fertilizer equipment

In the process of using organic fertilizer equipment, improper operation will lead to serious consequences after the fertilizer is used

1. Toxic gas hazard occurs. In the process of decomposition, methane, ammonia and other harmful gases occur in the process of decomposition, which causes acid damage and root damage to soil and crops.

2. A small amount of nutrient is lost. In the process of traditional composting, due to natural decomposition, wind and rain, the loss of nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is very serious, and the general application rate is only 50%.

3. Lead to soil hypoxia. In the process of decomposition, unripe manure will consume the oxygen in the soil, making the soil temporarily in a state of hypoxia, in which the growth of crops will be inhibited.

4. The effect of fertilization was slow. Organic fertilizer without fermentation can not be directly absorbed and absorbed by crops, and can only be absorbed and applied by crops if it is decomposed into quick acting state. Therefore, the fertilizer efficiency will be slowed down if it is directly used without fermentation.

5. The threat of pests and diseases. Feces contain coliform bacteria, nematodes and other pathogens and beneficial insects. Direct application will lead to the transmission of diseases and insect pests, crop disease, and the health of people who eat agricultural products will also be affected; when the immature organic matter is fermented in the soil, it is easy to infect bacteria and pests, leading to the occurrence of plant diseases and insect pests.

6. Cause root burning and seedling burning. If livestock manure is not thoroughly fermented and applied to farmland, there will be a "secondary fermentation" scenario. Under the activity of microorganisms, raw manure will be fermented; when the fermentation site is close to the root or the plant is small, the heat generated by fermentation will affect the growth of crops, causing "root burning and seedling burning", and in serious cases, it will lead to plant death.

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