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  • Writer's pictureLanure Mcintosh

Composted Organic Materials Granulating

Matured organic materials are described by coarse surface, helpless bond and grinding trouble. It has been bottleneck in organic fertilizer production for quite a while. organic compost granulation can be in expulsion granulator organic production line and circle granulation organic manure production line. As of late, organic compost production can be handling in new type granulator production line and turning manure granulator production line.

Expulsion granulation: treating the soil material with a fitting measure of inorganic compost is expelled by level pass on expulsion granulator, and afterward organic manure granules organic compost is straightforwardly stowing. This production has exacting prerequisites of materials determination and pre-treatment. It needs to acclimate to fitting water content. In the interim, it requires fine surface and great bond. It highlights basic process, no drying process, high item water content, coarse columnar grains, and uniform molecule size. Nonetheless, it has simple foldability in the capacity and transportation process and low production limit.

Plate granulation: Almost all organic materials can be granulated with a circle compost granulation innovation. After material drying and finely pummeled with a satisfactory measure of manure, materials are sending into the circle granulator machine. The materials are blended and fortified by humidifier splashing. With the turn of the plate granulator, materials are created to granules, and afterward it is sieved and dried once more. At last, it tends to pack. This kind of organic manure production has unassuming production power, needs little force. The granules are in size of round shape. Prior to granulation, organic manure crude materials should be dried and squashed.

New kind granulation: new kind organic compost granulator is progressed manure granulator machine. It very well may be utilized for a wide range of organic issues. There is no drying and smashing in organic compost production. Blend organic crude materials in the machine, and afterward it can create round granules. The organic issue substance can reach to 100%, which is truly unadulterated organic material granulation. There is no compelling reason to dry matured organic materials. The water substance of organic crude materials can be 20-40%. The granulation rate is over 95%.

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