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  • Writer's pictureLanure Mcintosh

Advantages and Disadvantages of Compound Fertilizer

Compound fertilizer is made by substance (synthetic) activity or blended ammoniation granulation measure, and has evident compound response. It is likewise called synthetic compound fertilizer in China. Our new compound fertilizer granulator tackles the key issue that is hard to get through conventional granulation measures.

Compound fertilizers are commonly done in enormous and medium-sized plants. The assortment and details are frequently restricted. It is hard to adjust to the necessities of various soils and harvests. While applying, it is important to change the supplement proportion with a specific two sorts of basic fertilizers.

Focal points of Compound Fertilizer

1. The compound fertilizer has more supplement components, and the compound fertilizer is applied at one time, and at least two principle supplements of the harvest can be provided simultaneously.

2, the structure is uniform, bringing about the structure of the particles contrasted and the fine or glasslike unit fertilizer, the structure is tight, the supplement discharge is uniform, the fertilizer impact is steady and long.

3, the actual properties are acceptable, the compound fertilizer delivered by the new compound fertilizer granulator is granular, has low hygroscopicity, isn't anything but difficult to agglomerate, is advantageous for capacity and application, and is especially helpful for motorized preparation.

4, stockpiling and transportation, in light of the fact that the compound fertilizer has less sub-parts, so it can spare bundling, stockpiling and transportation costs.

Burdens of Compound Fertilizer

1. The extent of supplements is fixed and it is hard to address the issues of different soils and different harvests.

2. The pace of development of different supplements in the dirt is extraordinary, and the of being kept up and lost is unique. Subsequently, it is hard to meet the necessities of treatment strategies in application time and preparation position.

In spite of the fact that there are a few limitations on compound fertilizers, the compound fertilizers can be all around applied by testing the dirt and the attributes of the harvests to be prepared, and adding the supplements required for the yield through the new compound fertilizer granulator.

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